
Dear friends! We are glad to welcome you on pages of our portal devoted control line, radio-controlled and free fly models of planes...


English version Russian version

*** WELCOME TO OUR WEBSITE DEDICATED of AIRCRAFT, AUTO and SHIP MODELLING *** HURRY !!! *** SPECIAL OFFER !!! *** WHEN BUYING ANY 2 OR MORE MODELS manufactured by OUR COMPANY - BRANDED MUG AS A GIFT !!! *** ALL PHONE number is CONNECTED TO WhatsApp and Viber Messenger, write... *** Our Skype: Pm.lab.77 *** PREPARING FOR RELEASE IN FEBRUARY 2017 MODEL COPY UNDER the C/L OR the R-CONTROL of the FIRST RUSSIAN FIGHTER AIRCRAFT PML-4020 "Sikorsky S-16" *** DETAILS ON THE FORUM *** In MARCH 2017 is PREPARING TO RELEASE a MODEL of the SAILING SHIP "EAGLE" *** FORUM *** In MAY 2017 is PREPARING TO enter the MODEL of RUSSIAN MILITARY LODGE" *** FORUM *** ALL PHONE number is CONNECTED TO WhatsApp and Viber Messenger, write... *** Our Skype: Pm.lab.77 ***

Addresses of shops (Russia)

Here you can find addresses of shops where you can buy our models.

Moscow and the Moscow region

ООО "ПМ-лаб"

Заказы принимаются по тел:

+7 (909) 696.52.08
+7 (963) 757.74.32

E-mail: info@pm-lab.ru


г. Москва

Магазин "Столица Хобби"

ул. 1905 года, 4

тел: +7 (499) 253.98.37; (499) 255.00.75

График работы: пн-сб с 11.00 до 20.00, в воскресенье и праздничные дни с 12.00 до 19.00



г. Москва

Магазин "Е-флай"

м. Водный стадион, 10 мин. пешком ул. Адмирала Макарова д. 4, стр. 1 (здание Морской школы, 1-й этаж)

График работы: ВТ-ПТ 11:00...20:00, СБ 11:00...18:00, ВС и ПН - выходной

тел: +7 (925) 390.12.63



г. Москва

Магазин "Термик" (в цокольном этаже под магазином «Пятёрочка»)

ул. Туристская, д. 13, к. 2,

тел: +7 (499) 504.80.16



г. Ярославль

Магазин "Мир Радиоуправляемых моделей"

проспект Ленина 53

тел:+7 (4852) 73.75.18




Where to buy

Conditions and warranties

1. Payment by Cash (If in Your region there is a representative of our company)

You can receive your order and immediately pay cash to the courier delivering your order.

2. Payment by Credit card

Individuals can pay the order by credit card.

3. Payment via Pay Pal

Pay Pal — universal payment system.

It allows you to securely and quickly pay for goods and services on the Internet.

To submit a request for payment, We only need Your email address. You will be able to pay from the balance in your Pay Pal account or a credit card, if You do not have a Pay Pal account.

Read more about what is Pay Pal and why you need it, you can read here

4. Payment through the payment system WebMoney

We accept payment on the following accounts:

Ruble account R553848922159
Dollar account Z275233419387
Euro account E246416433167

5. Payment through the payment system Western Union - денежные переводы

You can pay Your order by using this payment system. The account details for payment you will receive on the day of payment.

6. Payment by Bank transfer

Legal entities pay by Bank transfer via invoice raised by us.