Combat control line model PML-2003 "STRIZ" (SWIFT)
In the circle, located on the two pilot control models attached to the fuselage with a paper tape. The purpose of the shift is to cut a piece of tape from the
enemy and not allow the enemy to cut off the tape... Control line fighting model class F-2-D PML-2003 "STRIZ" (SWIFT) - is what you need.
PML-2003 "STRIZ" (SWIFT) is the result of a lot
of research and experiments.
The model is interesting for its striking features. In the first place - thick symmetrical airfoil, the second is the complete rejection
of the use of balsa while maintaining sufficient lightness and strength. What does it get me? - ask you a fair question. On the strength characteristics our model,
is superior balsa at the same weight kit.
We offer to your attention game the model is so simple in design that it doesn't even require a detailed description.
Also, our set is a wonderful gift for both beginners and experienced modelers.
Combat control line model F2DPML-2003 "STRIZ" (SWIFT)
Length of model (greatest).....................0,350 м
Wingspan..............................................0,710 м
Model height (without the gear)................0,060 м
Weight (without the engine and fuel) ..........~0,3 kg
Engine (doesn't enter)......from 1.5 cm3
The kit is fully complete with all parts and elements of the fuel system. So the same set of cords included (ready with locks) and blank control knobs.
We tried to make Assembly of the model is rather simple.
In the preparation of parts used laser cutting of the material, which greatly facilitates and accelerates the construction of the model.