PML-6002 "La-5" - Rubber Powered model - (scale 1:20)
PML-6002 "La-5" - Rubber Powered model - (scale 1:20)
Length of model (greatest)...........................................................................0,440 м
Wingspan ..................................................................................................................0,490 м
Model height (without the gear)...............................................................0,110 м
Model height (with the gear).......................................................................0,165 м
Distance from prop to gnd............................................................................0,090 м
Lay corner...................................................................................................................13 degr
Weight (with rubber engine) ................................................................. 55 gramm
Engine ......................................................................................................................... rubber
The assembly manual can be downloaded Here
Drawings (for review) can be downloaded here: draw
3D model (for review): Download*
*download and open in Adobe Acrobat with enabled viewing of 3D content
A Full kit usually consists of the following items: landing gear wheel, thermoformed hood and cockpit light, parchment (wax paper) for tightness and / or balsa / foam plates, Assembly drawing or drawings, screw, rubber motor, etc.
The engine and fuel not included
Rubber powered model copy PML-6002 "La-5" continues a series of models of semi-copies "Wings of victory"..
This model is training and is intended mainly for novice modelers. It is simple in design, stable in flight, has a good appearance. The use of a three-wheeled chassis gives the model a finished look.
This kit will be a wonderful gift for both beginners and experienced modelers.
V. p. Gorbunov was the head of the project and the head of OKB-31 for the creation of the La-5, however, the aircraft was named after the names of not only the project Manager V. p. Gorbunov, but also his closest employees: S. p. Lavochkin and M. I. Gudkov.
Positive qualities: powerful weapons in the first series, high survivability, minimal use of scarce materials-the main material is pine, birch veneer, plywood and resin-modified wood (Delta-wood).
Disadvantages: weak engine, and as a consequence, poor power to weight ratio, defects design due to the extremely short development time, excessive weight due to the use of poorly-studied material (Delta wood), forcing the calculations to use large factors of safety.
In 1941, the aircraft industry produced 2463 La-5, of which 2141 were built after June 22, 1941. 1659 aircraft manufactured GAZ-21 (of which adopted military 1445), 474 — GAZ-31, 256 — GAZ-153, 65 — GAZ-23. The price of one aircraft before the war was determined in 310,000 rubles. In 1942, released 2771 La-5 is more than in 1941 and 1943 In 1943 — 1294. In 1944, the Tbilisi aircraft factory produced 420 more obsolete aircraft (they were used as night fighters). Release of all-about 6528 pieces.