PML-2009 "IL-103" - Control line model copy - (scale 1:12)
PML-2009 "IL-103" - Control line model copy - (scale 1:12)
Length of model (greatest)............................................................................................0,665 м
Wingspan ................................................................................................................................0,880 м
Model height (without the gear).........................................................................................0,215 м
Model height (with the gear).................................................................................................0,260 м
Distance from prop to gnd.............................................................................................0,090 м
Lay corner............................................................................................................................0 град
Weight (with rubber engine)......................................................................................................1,1 kilo
The assembly manual can be downloaded Here
Drawings (for review) can be downloaded here: draw
3D model (for review): Download*
*download and open in Adobe Acrobat with enabled viewing of 3D content
A Full kit usually consists of the following items: landing gear wheel, thermoformed hood and cockpit light, parchment (wax paper) for tightness and / or balsa / foam plates, Assembly drawing or drawings, screw, rubber motor, etc.
Rubber powered model copy PML-2009 "IL-103" continues a series of models of copies "Wings of Soviet"..
This model is training and is intended mainly for novice modelers. It is simple in design, stable in flight, has a good appearance. The use of a three-wheeled chassis gives the model a finished look.
This kit will be a wonderful gift for both beginners and experienced modelers.
IL-103 — four-seat (pilot and three passengers) single-engine piston passenger aircraft-air taxi
The IL-103 is a multipurpose four-seat aircraft. He was the first among such categories to receive the interstate aviation certificate of the Committee of the Commonwealth countries.
In 1988, the USSR announced a competition for the development of an initial training aircraft. For two years, L. Pupkov's team has designed an air car with a VAZ automobile engine. The project was successful, but after studying the world market, General Designer G. Novozhilov decided that an aircraft-type engine should be installed on the Il-103. At that time, only the M-14 was in the development of engines for light aircraft in the USSR, but it did not suit the technical characteristics. We turned to foreign firms for help. Teledine Continental Motors agreed to help by installing an IO-360ES engine on the IL-103. It had a capacity of 210 hp.
Representatives of England, Russia itself, Ireland and other countries immediately showed interest in the aircraft. The first demonstrations were very successful. The designers planned to complete the certification in 1994 and start mass production, and prepare deliveries to customers in '95. The construction was decided to be organized at the Lukhovitsky Machine-building Plant.
However, for reasons of poor financing, the first production aircraft took to the skies only at the end of January 1995. Almost exactly a year later, the aircraft received a certificate. The IL-103 was repeatedly demonstrated on the MAKS-95.
According to the performance characteristics, the aircraft is designed for 15 years of operation or 14,000 flight hours. The aircraft can be operated as an air taxi; a means of patrolling coastal zones; for conducting scientific research; a mobile laboratory for environmental control.
Video of model and flight
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